Visual Journeys:

The hazards table can get kinda dull why not spice it up a bit?

Lay down some pillows on a carpeted floor and then throw an earthy coloured doona over them, the bigger the better. This creates your terrain. If you have trees and other stuff you can add them but they are not nessessary.

Put the entrance near on edge of the doona, this is where the warriors exit from the cave. Work out where the settlement that the warriors are trying to get to will be but do not put it on the map, they cannot see it yet.

Now the warriors can see where they are travelling and make descisions on which paths to take.

You can use the warrior counters instead of minatures if you want as they often are not balanced enough for moving up even the smallest of inclines.

The warriors can move an amount depending on how big your terrain is. A direct route to a city for example should take them about 12 moves (they move half a week per turn)
Horses and the like add to the speed.
However you can make it take longer by creating obstacles such as ravines and forrests on the terrain that the warriors will have to risk crossing or go around.

You can use hazards from the book if you wish when warriors set up camp after every turn. Increase the chance of an uneventful even since the warriors set up camp twice as often as they do in the roleplay book.
As well as these events add parties of orcs and the like roaming the countryside which the warriors can battle in the usual fashion.

Only put them on the map if they are a full week away or closer (two moves)! The warriors cannot see beyond that.

Visual Settlements:

Settlements are slightly easier to make visual! Just write down the locations available in a table (including the inn) and when a warrior visits that location move the actual miniature to that part of the table. The warriors will always start out from the inn.

© mikeInside 2003