Mikes Sims 2 Pictures

Pymble House

2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, kids room, and spacious living areas.
This house is a reproduction of a house I have been to in real life. So if you dont like the layout/colour/whatever, blame the original architect not me ;)

There were a couple of problems I encountered while building it:
1) A realistic above ground pool is nearly impossible to do.
2) Trying to create dense shrubbery does not look very good
3) Houses such as this with a lot of trees are a BIG processor drain.

Neigbourhood View Shots:

Front of the house in neighbourhood view mode.

Back of the house in neighbourhood view mode.

Side of house in neighbourhood view mode.

External Shots:

Front of the house.

Front of the house again.

The side path.

Back of the house.

Back of the house closeup.

View of the house from the pool.

View of the pool from the deck

Deck stairs

Internal Shots:

House floorplan.


Dining/Livingroom again.




Master Bedroom


Kids room


Want to download this house?

This house is available to download, but only to the member's of my forum.
But it is free to join!

1) Go to the forum
2) Click on the register link at the top of the page of the forum.
3) Once you have signed up, go to the members only forum
4) The links to the house downloads will be there.

I love feedback about my houses, so if you have any comments you can leave them here.

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