1) Go into topdown view by pressing the green icon
that you can see on the bottom-left of the screenshot above. Then use
the connecting stairs and place one on the ground.

2) Do it again, until you have 3 sets of stairs, like shown in the picture

3) Using the stair tool, hold down the CTRL key, and
click on each staircase to delete it.

4) Select the flatten terrain tool, and position it as shown, at the
bottom of your slope.

5) Click and drag it, to create a nice big square hole in the ground.
6) Using the wall tool, hold down SHIFT
and create a room that takes up half the hole, like shown in the pic

7) Using the foundation tool, click and drag a foundation
that is next to one of the walls.

8) Repeat until you have surrounded 3 walls, like in the pic shown above.

9) Go into first floor view mode, and place a staircase

10) Add a second level to the house

11) Add a deck somewhere on the second floor.

12) Use the connecting stairs to give the sims a way to get onto the
deck, and add doors so that they can get into the house.

Finish off the house however you would like, and you are done!